Unless you faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm. Isaiah 7:9b
Without faith He cannot make me stand firm. He's not talking about a huge amount of faith. A mustard seed amount will do. I just have to have that faith so he an make me stand firm in it. Because when He makes me firm, my root will grow and I'll start to grow bigger in my faith and be established in my faith and soon my plant will flourish.
Another version (NKJ) of this verse uses the word believe instead of faith. "Unless you believe I cannot make you stand firm." And that's a true statement too. You have to believe in him first, to have faith in him, to get to faith in him for anything bigger. Right now I have faith in God and an believing God for some very big things. Yet, I am also struggling to believe and have faith in some very basic areas. Is something wrong with me? No. I've just been hurt in that area and God just wants to do a deeper healing in that area than ever before. To make me walk even closer to him. To reveal something new and it will take faith on my part for him to do it.
Father, I thank you that we can have faith as small as a mustard seed and you will make us stand frm. I thank you that we stand firm in you. thank you for being with us every day. And Daddy, I ask for each one reading this, would you pour out a special mesure of faith on them today for hatever they are believing for. I stand with them for it. We love you, Amen.